It started out as a feeling
When we brushed passed each other
Somewhere where no one ever remembered
With the reverberating echo

Something in you arouse my attention
Was it your smile??
Or your lively attitude??
I’ll never know what
That has struck up somersaults in my tummy.

I started to look forward to the day
The day when we actually meet up
To talk to you
To see you appearing in my sight
And vanished the next slight moment

There, then.
I started to write messages
Messages meant for you
But not meant to be delivered
I started to steal glimpse of you
As you walked pass me
Sometimes without any interaction
That’s when I start to mouth “I like you” behind your back
As the green speck of you apparated into the blue ocean of people

Then soon,
You became
The thought that started the morning
The name that came into my mind before I dozed off
The person that I spend my time with
In my seemingly pointless dreams.

I found out that something had to be done.

Mustering all my courage
I approached you
Through means of phone calls, messages and etc etc
Though I tried to sound as normal as I could
But your serenity struck me dumb
Killing my sanity bits by bits.

For sometime I found out that
I actually held my breath as you walked by
As if scared you have acknowledge my lowly presence
Comparing to your lovable character
I started to care for what you feel
Fearing I might hurt you
Trying my best to make your day better
Without you knowing it.

As we gets closer
Something crazy cooked up as I frenzied
Doing something that’s not suppose to be my doing
As I witness the blue rose fell into your lap.

There, there
I wish to say no more
There, there
It’s how it all started
There, there
Our lives entwine to form a implicit tale
Which belongings are mine and yours.

P.S. ^^

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