Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

I have been a really good boy this year, i do good, i study hard, and i changed alot to become a better person. For this year i did put in a lot of effort to work on my bad habits such as procrastinating, lying, being a bad liar, being lame and bla bla bla. i even done a lot of deeds, including bring joy to people. Here's some of my pics during christmas:

I saw a professional solo practice.

I witnessed a choir group which brought joy over me with their joyful singings.

I've made a stupid microphone stand by using a broken stand and wires...

being with Santa (sadly, your impersonator)

And Santalina, your assistant

Played with horns. XD

And got crushed by a stupid big white boulder.. XX

You see santa?? i'm a good good boy, and i didn't cause you any trouble for this christmas. So, can i have the present that i want so much. PLEASE??? i want it so much that i promise i'll be good for the coming Christmases. I'll be a good boy, a good young man, and finally a good man. please santa???

I just want someone i really cared about to be with me for this Christmas. Can you give it to me ??


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