clean the room, distribute the goods, make peace, clean the toilet, set up living environment, set boundaries, make the bed, blas blas blas, i'm pretty surprised that we made it at a pace this fast.
All credits to J.J who says that he can't sleep without cleaning the room.
in the end, we manage to have sleep at 2 am, which is "early".
So there goes, the hypothesis is valid and factual :
Human are an adaptive animal.
Anyway, i expect that there'll be ppl who is going to be heartsick, homesick, lovesick, and bla-blasick... Well, it's not easy to live a you-only-get-Rm430-to-live life. But still, I still didn't manage to find some soft ppl who is homesick and miss mamma every night...
Something to be grateful for??
I'll be really surprised if you don't know that this is a toilet.
My bed sweet bed. =)
Morn! 6 AM.
Breakfast of the day : oat + bread
on the way to campus. From Taman Kenanga to Kolej Teknologi Timur
Well, even the orientation is conducted with everyone wearing formal weear...
Game time!!!! again.....
Punishment 1 : Jazz dance
Punishment 2 : proposal
Then, dance practice...
I'm in the tamil dance category. Try imagine me doing the dance.
well, i am very certain that i don't have that gene in me.
I don't know how to dance.
30 hours famine event explanation.
So have i blogged enough of my college life??
i guess so.
make peace ? heh
no lar... simply write write.. =P
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