Currently having inexplicable craving for our nation's infamous (or not so??) singer Yuna. I've never been putting so much attention on this Malaysian Malay Singer but today finally i've had the chance to properly sit back and stalk one by one her songs.

 Honestly, her voice is so melodic that it sounds like a drip of water dropping into a pool of water, so clear and clean. The style is so nice yet, not definable by merely words. It's really really nice.. And not to mention that her voice is so strong and penetrating that you can actually feel it piercing through your heart from your ears.

I bet when you first hear the voice, sure you'll be pull into this whirlpool of enchanted voice. 

Okay here's one, don't forget to switch off the autoplay tune first. :

Alright, back to the "How am I??" session.

Well, in the midst of doubts and sadness, I've learnt to put myself on the lower ground, and lift others up, humbly. Well, It's certainly not a easy task to do, and i'm not even sure that i've rectify this me-problem fully cause this is sorta my personal weakness, and had taken me decades to overcome it.

Sigh, so why is it so hard to remove oneself from the center of his/her life and look upon others??
Sigh, I don't know.

I just hope that when the next time people do something that will physically or emotionally affect me, i'll be strong enough to remain still on my composure, giving a pat on my shoulder, and have a proper life. 

This should be enough for the day i guess??
Hope i doesn't bore you.


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