Have Fun?

I solemnly swear that I'm going to quit bowling
So I sucked,
I admit it,
Bowling is never my thing.

After our campus' annual Bowling Day, I only manage to score a pathetic 55 marks and became the weakest player of our team. Although our team won the competition and turns out, claim the "most havoc Lane" title, my weakness ruined my mood for a teensy bit.

Anyways, Kudos to KI5 and I really have a fun day. =D

Aside from tending to my broken fatigue wrist, my heart breaks for the death of all the patriots in the movie. They all love their nation and are willing to sacrifice for their nation. Although Olympus may fall, their patriotism doesn't shake at all. Am deeply impacted.

I think I must have been seriously crazy.
Blogging like crazy in a month, a month worth of blogposts out in half a month.
I think I must have gone crazy.

Human have a really stupid inclination to expect too much from everything that they've attached to.
When life is treating them too well, they tend to take things for granted, and expect for more. In the end, they'll just die simply because they've hope too much

I must not must not MUST NOT expect more than what I should

I must not.

I must be really careful this time. Not to open up and attach emotionally.

But then stupid me. I did it again. Almost.

I'm just so tired to be defined as the "Good Guy", which people deem perfect in their eyes.
I need to be perfect in every way so I can keep my testimonies, and tolerate everyone else's weaknesses.

But who's there to tolerate mine when my weaknesses are shown??
Who's there to care for me while i was the one who's caring all the time??

In the end, I put everyone else infront of me and in the end I am worn out.

Seriously, I think I took a really hard blow from humanity.
And now I'm just too scared and afraid to care and to bear people's expectation.

I needa protect myself now.
Time to TOUGH UP.

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