Holiday is MElting me OFF!

Got this from a friend recently..... so, i'm just sharing and trying to evaluate myself, how crazy i am........

SEVENTEEN signs you like someone....

You look at their profile constantly. (sorry, i only have TM-net. So, no....)

When you're on the phone with them late
at night and they hang up, you still
miss them even when it was just two
minutes ago. (Did i ever call her???? NO.....)

You read their Texts and Ims Over and
over again.

You walk really slow when you're with
them. (Never realize that. so, no......)

You feel shy whenever they're around. (Not anymore..... So, no.....)

When you think about them, your heart
beats faster but slower at the same
time. (What's wrong with this Irony Expression?? No.......)

You smile when you hear their voice. (DEfinitely Yes......)

When you look at them, you can't see
other people around you, you just see
him/her. (is there problem with my eyesight!? NO!!!!)

You start listening to slow songs while
thinking about them. ( i'm the sentimental-type person..... so, i naturally listen to those songs, so.... sadly..... no.......)

They're all you think about. (it is she who i'm thinking about.... NOt whoever "they" are.... NO...)

You get high just from their scent. (!!!!!??????? NO!!!!!!)

You realize you're always smiling when
you're looking at them. (AM I?)

You would do anything for them!

While reading this, there was one
on your mind this whole time.

You were so busy thinking about that
person, you didnt notice number twelve
was missing (i've been expecting this.... no, i did not fall for it.... so, you know..... NO!)

You just scrolled up to check & are now
silently laughing at yourself. (I'm laughing at how stupid this turned out..... NO!)

So, out of *ahem*thirteen*ahem* (fourteen), i got four..... so, i'm kinda not so in love????
You guys see for yourself, if you have eyes
Or Hear, if you guys have ears....
Let's see if we can prove this survey wrong.....

(WILL post about SIBU as soon as i return to school.... there're too many photoes that my lousy network can't upload it all up....)
p.s. i have something for you.......... it matches my thought, feeling..... word by word, it describes what i think and feel...... So, take a good look of my mind, K? (The Three words won't be mentioned in this post...)
Projecy MELODY : 64% completed

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