September none the merrier

Hey how are you guys doing??

As of now I am really into preparing myself to be a well prepared candidate for the upcoming A2 level exam, which is really something quite hard to tackle head on. And plus with lotsa unforeseen shortcomings, I'm gonna welcome Hiatus once again into this blogging life.

Hello Hiatus. =)

I missed those times when I can truly feel good about something.
Those times when everything still have their flavours, not just simply some insignificant events.
Those times when things still matters, times when there are no need to live so carefully.

As we grows, we become more and more complex, and are seasoned in our own kinds of ways, which result in the vast difference between me and you. And yes, we got more and more arrogant, and you ask me why is it so hard to live on nowadays, I have no idea up until now. The truth is : We have put our attention on too much unnecessarily on other's fault, while omitting the goods that they have done.

And you ask me why is it so hard to take on life's challenges, that you're no longer strong as always. Let me tell you : Welcome to life.

Sometimes it only take a small change of perspective to shift your whole world into a better. I need to learn hard too, for the world I'm living in is too bitter to bear with, for now.

TO a certain someone that made my day, thank you with all my heart for a totally unexpected act of kindness. You've certainly inspired me to be a better person.

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