One, Twenty-One Guns


Stupiakboy is officially, legally 21!! :D

Well, I am thinkin, since I am already 21, should I changed "Stupiakboy" to "Stupiakman" instead??
LOL, just a thought.

Birthday is not the big thing for me in my life I guess, so I guess my chapter 21 will be more or less not so eventful. But guess how it turned out?? I celebrated it for 6 times. Special thanks to Jun, and all friends who cared for me. Certainly this birthday had been a great one and its really different.

"There goes a guy's 20 years of roller coaster ride. Thanks to all of you who took all the trouble to make this birthday special for me, though this has become kinda monotonous for me already, year by year. Thanks for letting me have a few blasts this year and most importantly, know that I am a real person that own a place in all of your hearts. Its hard to thank everyone and each of you one by one but I just hope that my deepest gratitude can be felt from these dead cold lines of emotions. Friends, family, and love ones, you really have my thanks. And for those who took the trouble to leave a message to wish me, thanks a lot!! You guys sure have gave me the good luck to last me another year.. ^^"


Photo: There goes a guy's 20 years of roller coaster ride. Thanks to all of you who took all the trouble to make this birthday special for me, though this has become kinda monotonous for me already, year by year. Thanks for letting me have a few blasts this year and most importantly, know that I am a real person that own a place in all of your hearts. Its hard to thank everyone and each of you one by one but I just hope that my deepest gratitude can be felt from these dead cold lines of emotions. Friends, family, and love ones, you really have my thanks. And for those who took the trouble to leave a message to wish me, thanks a lot!! You guys sure have gave me the good luck to last me another year.. ^^

Okay, here goes.
Tell me if I am weird or is everyone feeling the same too??

I feel like my life is starting to become a slur, like a swirling pool of memories, of recollections of who I am, my goals, and what am I suppose to do, of how this and that person mean to me and who are them to me.


Many times I was trying to delve into my conscious mind, reminisce on memories of the past, but sometimes those moments come out as a blur, and some i cannot even remember. It just feels like I have been living for too long, and now everything is starting to blur away at the face of time.

21, is it too long already??

And day just crept away day by day, and I just let it be.
I guess I've lost my momentum on life.

Happy Birthday to me.
Hope I will find new energy in the next post, one month from now maybe??

p.s. People seek for many things. Ultimately, it all lead to connection to someone, a sense that he/she understands you. I see that clearly now.

Silent Muse

Nothing much. Really.
After all that happening, my mind still couldn’t register to the fact that I’ve really changed a lot.

So yea, nothing much happened. Really.

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty sure is one of the highlight of my life, considering the fact that I’ve been to the theater to watch it twice. I really needa say that, Ben Stiller had really done a great great job in producing such a moving movie, and it totally pictured my definition to life.

“To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other and to feel. That, is the purpose of Life”
I find myself barely able to add furthermore into this statement. This completely just sums up everything for me. And I am completely awed with the little journey that Walter Mitty took and see that his life completely changed. I want to be like that too, to travel, to have a purpose to work hard for, and have a good company to fight with/for, and ultimately, finding that stream of joy coursing within me, even when the world starts to fall apart.

That’s life, and I cannot ask for more than that.


A month passed in the new year and I evaluated myself, and the promises that I’ve made to myself at the start of 2014; To live life out loud, and hoping all that I am is always enough for everyone.

But the truth is, no one can ever be enough for everyone, in fact no one can ever be enough for us (In a sense maybe I am the one who thinks so). And it is only unlikely that the perfect world residing within the sheath of my imagination can only stays in my head, not being able to play out in the reality.

I mean, no matter how hard I try, no matter how hard I Improved, there are still people who would deem me as unworthy to share his/her friendship, or at least be convinced that the friendship that I offer can only be pure.  I still sometimes disappoint people, even those whom I’ve given my all to in order to prove my worth.  I still become that reason to be sad for. I still am that person who hurts when he tries to hold on tighter.

And it was then I realize that I DON’T HAVE TO PLEASE EVERYONE.
And it was then I decided that I should live my life and be myself.
And it was then I know that I maybe right, or I might be wrong.

Thing is, am I really ready to lose all those relationships in the process of sieving out those who can really accept and cherish us for who we are? Am I really committed to be myself and no one else? Am I fully aware of the repercussions of my act and am willing to accept it?

I don’t think I will ever know the answer to that.

And here I was thinking that there will be a day when everyone will be getting along just perfectly fine regardless of all the differences. But now I know. The day will never ever come. Call this my rebellion against everything that I’ve been rooting for, but I have to challenge my faith in order to know that it is really true.

Or I will die trying.


To be ever Patient
Ever Loving
and ever Faithful

I am trying
And it ain't easy

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