Change. What a simple term explaining physical and non-physical evolution which occurs in a matter, organic or inorganic. (at least it make sense =)). Well, okay, there are changes everywhere……


-World cup results which CHANGED to be less unpredictable… shocking……..

-Some nation CHANGED injust because some smart leader abuse their leadership to do bad things…… example : bomb people and deny it…. *Oops*

-Caterpillar CHANGED into a butterfly….. that’s common

-CHANGE by Taylor Swift. =P

Well, there are changes in me too….. both good and bad…. Well, I’m really glad that I can change and be something better and work my hardest to refrain myself to be worse…… well, all in all I want to thank those people who cared about me and point out my weaknesses for me… and hope that I can really change for the better. A BIG THUMBS UP FOR YOU ALL…… =D.

And, ehem… ehem…… I’m 17 now….. I really think being lame is not suitable for me anymore, since I’m going to be a grown up soon…. So, yeah, I’m going to be less lame, and be more serious. So, please don’t ask me “Why you EMO?” when you see me not trying to be funny. Gags.


1 comment:

joven said...

I agree with you!

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