Insignificant Chant

What should i write about today??

Well, life's been quite eventful these days, the Book Hunt to KL, The Fesni event, and the Third Chinese New Year, but i come to decide that i won't be putting up update on these events just so i can quiet myself down. Breath in and out some fresh air, and settle down to start anew. Yes, you are right, blogging is a very very hard thing to do.

for how long since i started blogging?? four years?? Five years?? How many time had i put into this lifetime career, to open up my world to a worldwide population of readers?? To open up a small window for those who care to take a peek in?? i bet it is already countless, became a part of the ever-shifting sands of time.

Here, anyway, this is what the actual chinese new year celebration in KTT looks like. I'm especially in favour with the awesome backdrop created by our special artist. Credits all goes to Yue Yu, and no one else. =)


And who cares what happens to Whitney Houston??

Here is someone who needs our care more, more than some legendary singer who brought revolution to the music industry.

A tragic accident, a tragic news. Something that are not suppose to happen. 6 childrens. One father. One breadwinner. One and only. Dead due to mosquito bite.

What is this?? Do you know that they need their pillar of strength so much?? Why take him away from them?? How can they live on without him??

But it was then i realize that though hard, they have to carry on.
Though he's gone, they have to continue to live on hard.
And though hard, they have to pull it through.

And it serves as another solemn reminder : life is fragile. You will never realize the moment when you will cross the line between life and death.

"But he said to me :"My grace is enough for you, for My power is made perfect through 
weakness." So then, i will boast most gladly about my weaknesses,
so that the power of Christ may reside in me"

2 Corinthians 12:9


Is this called littering??

I will embrace the fact that tomorrow is valentines days

and dear ANTIMATTER,
meet the world.

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