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I don't know why, and i wonder why, that I frequently have random dreams at night, while I was a dreamless person back then. I do hope i have an explanation by checking out the mechanism of having a dream, but sadly I've been too busy working, as I got a new well-paid job. B)
Ah ya, it's a selling-package-for-some-telco job. Very well paid indeed, but sadly it's only for short term and i'll be released from my duty soon. =)
Anyways, back to the dream.
I dreamt about random person that walked through my life, some random place, that i've been to and not. I dreamt about Sabah and climbing to the top of the statue of liberty (WTF?? using rattan?). And i dreamt about shouting so loud in the dream to some obese, that i have sore throat the next morn.
I pretty much hated the fact that it disturbed my sleep. But i wonder, what's the meaning of all this??
Experience life through dreamy world?
Maybe there's something in me that crave to do something that my heart won't allows. Screaming in the dreams?
Maybe another soul in me is reaching out, seeking for another way of life.
Feeling pretty personality-splitted now.
This is very very true.
Many years down the road, when you will look back.
You'll see only those times when you really felt genuine.
When you are really doing something with objectivity.
When you can sacrifice anything just for something
When the world is a better and warmer place.
Not the person you were with, because they changes,
and no longer fits the angels in the picture.
Not the person you were known to, because they've move on,
and whatever that you feel for them back then is just irrelevant now.
Not the person you were clinging on to, because most probably you have moved on too,
and many years down the road, you've learnt to release your grip, slowly letting go.
Is it better this way??
When I stare into you again, maybe I can't find the light in your eyes anymore.
neither my eyes will be sparkling anymore.
Maybe you won't care, and maybe you don't give a damn.
But if you do,
I'm sorry to say that we've both changed.
and this is a road not taken.
Bye January,
You shall not be missed.