The Truth

Specially dedicated to all who wish to understand more about me. Who wish to delve deeper together with me, into this muddle of mess, entangled with fury.


Comparison happens a lot around us. For my case, it happened too frequent that i think it's not normal for me to do that. I compared everything, most of the time just silently, even without me myself noticing. My mind just naturally make comparison and rouse my heart, to make me either feel proud or frustrated deep within.

Or is it happening to everyone else?
People always say that by comparing less we can lead a happier life.
But the sad case is, how can a heart listens when there's so much difference in the world??

Well, the truth is

I know it's unfair
when I compare you with other people that I used to have
when I compare other people who are in the same situation with you
when I compare your friends with me
when I compare you with me

I just know.
But I can't help it.

I should have been more understanding enough, but I have enough tolerating

If you really care, please teach me.
and tell me "it's okay, I understand"

and that'll be enough for me to be eternally grateful.


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