STUDYING = Students + Dying

Under the stress of the major exam.... SPM that is.... crazy stuffs seemed to be knocking into people brains....... here are some blue clues :

Some people thinks they can catch a cloud........

Some people thinks they can form a choo-choo train from THIS.

Some people have tough exercises together with heartwarming greetings......

some Dummies think they can imitate some dead people

Some people think they can be smarter by doing THIS.

some people think they look cool by showing remorseful expressions....

Some people sleeps like this.

They're pushed to the limit till they acted like this.

Sing as if they have no tomorrows......

Thinks as if they have no brains...

and spin without any directions.....

all in all.... they are burdened by immensed emotional stress....

so, let's salute them.....

just for laugh. GAGS

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