Gone, Come and Gone again.

So here i am, waiting in a confined chamber for a plane to board and to leave this place where it had trapped me for 8 days. Luckily i can say, the time passed as fast as a blink of an eye. Never realize the end of my independent life to comes so quickly.

Passerbys come and go, giving a glaring look at me. what?? what does a young man with a laptop can be?? a terrorists trying to bring a aitport down?? i'm glad i'm finally back home.

Upon departure, the senile spesies and i come to a thruce and cleared whatever misunderstandings that can damage our future get-alongs. We came to an consensus that being bossy or demamnding is a trait we get as we grow old. Makes me wonder if i will be like her when i'm 76 years old. Guess i won't see her for a long while now?? ha.....

What surprises me in the airport is, as everyone make it through the full-body scan done manually by the guards, the guard actually spared me from it. Sigh. Did i not fill the bill of becoming a potential terrrorist?? I guess it can be know by checking what i put on a tray to be scanned aside from my luggage. A bar of chocolate, a lollipop, my phone and my wallet. =)

safe trip.

p.s. never know houseflies lives in airport too. I thought they fly in houses.

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