It's like facing a whole troop of enemy team full on
Oh ya, whatever they've done will be foul in your eyes and you'll think that somehow they are plotting against you by sticking together in the same team, as if they've planned to be put into the same team from the start. You will think, " what the hell is this?? Should i just leave and let them continue with their winning streak??" And then you're tested on the one thing for that particular moment.
It takes all that I am to continue to play and hold on to the slimmest chance that we might win.
And in the end, David do have the capability to beat Goliath after all. =)
Breathtaking, isn't it?? The wonder of the heaven that can be seen with mortal eyes.
It will be up to you to decide whether to call me a hermit, or some slow invertebrates if you wish to, but i realize that i particularly enjoy walking slowly under the twilight, or below the sunset, just for the sake of the view, and the mild, contaminant-free breeze. I enjoy this kind of walk.
And also, to spend a whole full hour in my bed, reading my favourite book, earphone plugged in untill i eventually feel tired and fall asleep. The contentment is what put me at rest, and lift my spirit for the following day.
Well, isn't this kind of life enjoyable??
Ya, maybe i'm a bit slow-paced. I am a low-level organism living on the planet.
Finally the FESKOTT (Festival Sukan Kolej Teknologi Timur) is over, and sadly, we didn't manage to get NO.1. sad case. Anyway, we do get NO.2 for the Aerobic dance competition though. Finally, all those times where you have to learn to dance and shake your butt like a girl paid off.
I seriously meant what I said this morning.
Yea, those simple words that I've said to you.
I just want to come clear and perhaps practice some Radical Honesty.
Well, it worked.
I don't care if you think that I'm joking, or am i not.
But i truly meant every word that i said.
And i fully understands what situation am i in so i seriously know what to do.
So, no worries. =)
some animal instinct eh??