
July descended with a sad shade of gray.

True enough, the whole new A2 approach is kinda hectic for me, as all I can see is people running up and down worrying about their studies, and also people complaining that library is not open long enough. Sigh. And IELTS Exam is down to 6 days in my countdown counter.

And I think i'm healthy again, life without any restrictions, sleep early, wake early, studies, sports, and a lil' bit  commitment. Yea, i'm healthy again. =)


Does it ever occur to you that people somehow lived on just solely because of influence of other people?? People whom you love, people whom you care about, people who gives you challenge, people who offers you pure love. In-fact, all of us live the way we are living now just because we're influenced by a certain people, or a certain incident that was imprinted in our heart.

Say, there's this one person who've manage to secure you to lower down all of your mental defenses, but in the end stabs you when you're the most vulnerable. That makes you strong. That makes you build a wall higher than ever, so high that it's unreachable by possibly anyone.

Oh well, What the hell.

hope you sings the songs of Jubilee,
and send forth the rain of joy,
for me,
The guy under the rain.

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