People never knows

Guess who is He?

My heart is aching for wanting to have a friend like this.

Call me ungrateful, call me irresponsible, call me mean, call me anything.
I guess behind all that name-calling and labelling, people actually dont know who you really are deep down inside.

And that's what is holding me on today.

Say, you have this group assignment going on, but no one in your group seems to be interested enough to get the thing going
So you say, okay I will take this on and make this work.
You took up the RESPONSIBILITY that is supposed to be shared with everyone else
You took up the job, make a run for it, exhaust yourself, drain all your energy for the job
People didnt realize that
They wont even give you the acknoledgement that you deserve for the job you have done.
As time passed, slowly you became the "one that gets the job done", or the " one that needs to get to job done"
What used to be your volunteered helping-out, became your burden
You start to get taken for granted.
You even start to forget that THIS job is the kind of job that everyone should complete together
You burnt out
Your passion inside died out.
You reached out
You asked for help, from people in your group who is SUPPOSE to carry the weight together.
They replied

"No, sorry. I dont want to, and I dont have to clean up for you. Finish your own work."

I have tears in my heart, but no one knows why I frown.
No one knew why I sighed, while I cried inside
People forget about their weight as you carried for them, and it just naturally becomes yours.


I am alone in my world




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