
Cute eh. This used to be me, when I was still little

I think I've missed the last pit stop in my life.
from here on out, I can only move forward, and only forward.
And everywhere I look, everything is moving, not hitting a pause.

and slowly I am spinning out of control.


I used to want to be an engineer.
Because my dad is one.

I guess every boy wants to be like their father. And there I was, putting on my dad's helmet, safe shade glass, and safety boots. I guess they all kinda smell funny, but little did I realize bad then. All I knew was that I am gonna be an engineer, and at least as good as my daddy.

Then I grow up to wanting to be a pastor. I was a teenager back then, who havent begin to step into the adult world. What is the meaning of money, and what is the meaning of status and social standings to our life, I know not. Being a devout Christian (rather zealous one, too), I thought it was so easy to give up on a life of chasing a better living and become a humble servant of the Lord. Heck, I thought it was easy and how wrong I was.

And soon after I started to aspire to become a psychologist.
As one who is always curious of human behaviour and how human mind works,  I was really eager to get to the bottom of human nature and give some explaination as to why people around me act in their way. 

But guess where did I end up?

Yea, GodDamn Dentistry.

Never thought I will end up being a dentist


Work was fine so far

With love, 

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