18/2/2009 the 1st day of my sixteenth year

Okay, I’m not emo anymore. Cause today is my birthday.

This is a real story. A baby is born in Sibu, and was taken to Bintulu general hospital. This baby is supposed to be 4 days older during then, but his birth is delayed for 4 day, from 14/2/1993 till 18/2/1993. (So the boy should be called the “valentine boy”…but sadly….)

The baby had G6PD syndrome, don’t ask me about what it is. It’s because his birth is delayed and accidentally the baby drank some amniotic liquid. So, the baby looked very very yellow when it was delivered. Everyone is terrified, for the baby is so weak that it could not cry (babies cries when they’re born, this shows that they’re healthy) then, the baby is sent to the XXX department to receive ultra-violet ray, to fix this condition.

Even the doctors know that the boy would die at anytime, the color spots on the baby skin outrunned the number red spots of Red Blood Cells. The parent of the family asked the whole church to pray for the baby, day and night. And, during the dark silent night, the mother will woke up, thinking about the baby and wept for the baby’s inconstant and dangerous situation.

It’s the work of God and the prayers that sustained the life of the baby, as if God had a plan for this tiny little life. All church mates were amazed and they thought the baby will soon become a good baby, boy, teenager, man in the future. They waited patiently. And so, the baby was named – Joshua Wong Shii!

Yeah, it’s my life story and I swear it’s true. My article is on the newspaper during that time……

So, I want to thank a few people here, friends especially:

~Lawrence, for giving me a classic book which I probably can’t understand.
~AMY YEO, for greeting me “happy birthday” soon after you met me, which makes her the first to greet me.
~Tong Ying and Zhen Yang, for giving me a beautiful hand-make card and two huge bar of chocolate.
~Hannah Chen, who offered to buy me lots of junk food just like what happened during form one
~Jordy Ling, who tricked me by claiming that he’s giving me a hand phone, which turned out to be a glass cube in a handphone box.
~Pals of ISCF, for looking for me all around the school just to greet me “happy birthday”
~And those whom I forgot to mention, thank you for everything. And I’m still hoping to receive belated birthday greetings!

1 comment:

Tiong Ying said...

u spelled zy's name wrongly larh..if she noes,she will belasah u de...

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