H2SO4 Obsession

Chemistry is a special branch of science which you find a lot of fun in. from the previous incident of swallowing dilute hydrochloric acid, I’ll now share about the concentrated sulphuric acid that is introduced to our class during the previous chemistry lesson.

Well, the acid solution looks normal, normal as if bleached (well, maybe it bleached itself). The teacher asked us not to mess around with cause it’s 5 Mole or more (which means : really corrosive), to prevent us from getting into trouble and at the same time, prevent the parents from putting the blame on the teachers. So, she expects us to comply after her little lecture. But, we did not.

Other students experimented as instructed except for two brainiacs, Joshua(me) and Nazreen. We actually waited for a long time until it’s finally us. First we take the reagent bottle of concentrated sulphuric acid in our hand and SPLASH ! onto a piece of vulnerable paper.

Nothing Happened.

As the crowd starts to separate, leaving me and Nazreen, doubting the corrosiveness of the “concentrated”sulphuric acid, the paper changed its colour from white to yellow, brown, the black, as if it’s burning. Then, the paper dripped like a drop of water to the ground, leaving black spots.


Then, someone (sean) wore the contaminated gloves which is stained with concentrated sulphuric acid, causing burn on his left index finger. Well, it’s quite a fascinating view as the finger burnt and leaves a brown scar. (no much harm done, Sean’s okay)

The glove found a second victim, Syafiq who burnt his palm. (no harm done, Syafiq’s okay). The corroded glove keep on releasing white fumes which means : it’s burning!!!! (meanwhile, Joshua and Nazreen is still “experimenting” on the acid on pen (not work), cardboard (30%), and more papers)

A “quarrel” actually broke out between me and Sean about it’s whose fault who started the chaos.

“Who ask you to play with the sulphuric acid liao, see, my hand burnt”
“Sean, ask you touch wood everytime you say bad things liao, you don’t listen, see? Your hand burnt”
“Who start it first”
“Ask you say touch wood liao”
“I got touch the lab table leh……..”

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