Voice out !!! Drumming Legacy.....

Er..... yeah, actually i've been a drummer for about a year already.....
Here to share about my thoughts about being a drummer....... in my usual lame way.... ^.^

First of all, drumming is a tempo giving technique which involves hand-leg coordination which is the easiest compared to piano, guitar and violin. so, if you guys decide to learn some music instrument to impress people or particularly *ahem*someone*ahem*, i suggest that you learn drumming.

however, according to price catalogue, drum is the most expensive musical instument among the affordable ones, each with minimum price of RM1000++. so, i suggest again, better be yourself and don't show off wanting to be so pro la............

drumming drumming drumming.... there are various encounter when i started out my drumming career (if i ended up as a professional drummer) where i turned out to be having a lot of things to say. One of them is like this :

okay, it's one of the practice involving me-drummer, and a bunch of aunties who are a-little-bit-showoff for me. here's some of the lines.

"hey kid, your tempo too fast la..... (actually it's them - the aunties who are singing at a slower tempo)"
"aunty, you guy's tempo become more and more slow la....."
"O.O.Oooo.... okay we'll try...."

~then they sing slowly again........~


"okay kid, this part i want you to stop completely and i want no music. we'll sing ourself (that means "solo-ing" without any music accompaniment)"

~then they sing, with their tempo getting slower and slower~

"Now play your drum.... OOi... why your drumming tempo weird weird de????"
"Aunty, you guys sing more and more slow la......"

HAIZ~ -.-"

i start to be confused whether i'm the one who's suppose to be giving the tempo or following the inconstant tempo given by them.................

HAIZ~ -.-"

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