Recently i started to work at some mini market which is currently low on man power. hmm.... i worked as the cashier ( isn't it this job is suppose to be for more experienced people instead of me?? ). Sadly speaking, i was kinda afraid about finding the wrong change, lost the money, and bla bla bla stuffs which will force me to compensate the lost of the company. i almosted die of shocked when the accountant wrongly calculated that my collected cash is 100++ ringgit downshort from my expected collected amount. D=
Well, it's a special shop actually which promotes environmental care and discourages the use of plastic bags. so, i was kinda flustered to encounter lots of stubborn customers who opposes this new idea. Got scolded somehow.... haiz.........
just a short update though.... haha, stay on for more updates soon.
Yo hi there. least you get something to do. Btw, what's ur plan after this?
i'll wait for my result to come out then i'll try pursue my career as a dentist.
how about yours??
i see. i'm pursuing medic. wanna become psychiatrist in future. haha
Lol... suits you. haha.
which uni??
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