
Today i vividly experience the guilt when  you know that you have done something wrong, sinned. It feels like something in you had broken and was torn apart, and that you are not who you are anymore. And it's just something, maybe something little, that makes you regret, makes you uneasy for all the while, and that is when you experienced guilt.

The funny thing is, Christians are especially observed and constantly watched as if they are some weird species that are suppose to lead a very Holy life, i mean, even Christians do sin sometimes, they are not saints, but just ordinary mortals who also feel for their needs at times. Don't get me wrong, i didn't say that sinning is good for Christian and as a matter of fact, we should've refrain from it.

But another thing, One, people tend to sin. Two, sinning people tend to judge. I am always surprised at how people love to judge and pass judgement to other while deep down in themselves they are not so good either. What a world is this?? The rationale to this is that they judged just so that they can hold lift themselves higher and perhaps feel less guilty because they think that they're good enough. Psychologically, it's called "self-comforting", which doesn't help at all because the truth is waiting right behind...

"For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of the God." Romans 3:23

When Jesus died on the cross, he can feel the glory draining out from him as he bears the sins of the world. That's what sinning does to us, we can no longer feel the intimacy with God, and for certain we feels uncertain with our own worth and become defiled with sins. And for Jesus, he was so defiled that even God can't bear to see him and be with him, it's because he was too dirty and filthy that the unmatched glory of the Lord is unable to abide with him.

He was like a rose, trampled on the ground
He took the fall and thought of me,
And of course YOU 

I am not here to pass judgement or what but i encourage everyone here to hold on dear to your status, brother and sisters in Christ, that we have the honour to be the son of God. Sinning is really not a good thing to do, so be smart.

p.s. Thanks Armand for showing love, and J.J. for leading me to this path, and also GOD who provides saving grace, puts little pieces of puzzle to form a big picture.

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