Blog. Blogger. Blogging.


A friend told me a few days back that he had stopped reading my blog.
I laughed, for quite a while, and in the end tell him that it's okay.

After all, this blog is a secret sanctuary of mine. A place where I can safely tell the tale of my inner world. The truth is, this blog is now a dead sea of sad thoughts and disappointed cries. But what can I say?? It is the real war going on within me, raging on from day to day, battering at my chest from day to day.

If I have to hide my thoughts in this very place just to please my readers, then where else can I etch my hushed whispers on??
If I couldn't house my inner world with this lowly website, what's the purpose of having a blog that merely spits stories according to reader's preference??

By blogging, I am able to read all my works from a third person view, and in turn puts me in perspective about what kind of person I am. 

And down the years, I've changed from a young cheeky boy, to a naive teenage, to a adolescent with angst, and now a guy frustrated to the world.

Until this stage, I just wanted to know.
if you'll embrace me for who I am now, not just a cheery guy on the outside, but also a sadistic creature on the inside??

It's okay. =)


Anonymous said...

Hello,i am a passerby who used to read your blog.I am not saying this to offend you,even if you think so,it's okay.I would like to remind you that according to Joshua 1:9,it says that "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." I may not understand your problem but i just have this urge to tell you that you don't have or need to indulge in sad,depressed or self-pity thoughts,you could easily lose your soul to the world(i mean earth)and that's a dangerous thing for aren't we were taught to set our minds on things above,not on earthly things.Don't ever lose yourself to earthly things.May the peace of God be always with you. :)

Joshua said...

Lol.. Eh eh you.. Funny ar... XD No lar.. I am not offended lar.. LIke seriously. I just feel that inspired to say something facing this situation lol. Cause perhaps people might think that I am indulging in sadness like you said, but in actualy fact I am just expressing my thoughts and feelings that i don't usually express under the sun. I don't express well verbally, and hence, this blog existed and in a way it helped me to know more about myself. So no worries ya. XD Stupiakboy always welcomes you back. And why you came back again?? lol.

Lots of Love,

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