A MUST READ !!!!! especially to those who's in form 5!

Well, during the English exam, a couple of friends of mine and I worked out with this “Pak Kia” version of Jungle of hope. Hope it will really help out with those who are studying this book. It’ll definitely makes you laugh off your head and at the same time enhance your memory on the book.

NOTE : if you really think this post is funny, please please please please remember to tick the “funny” box below. Thanks.

SO, here is it :

Hi, my name is Pak Kia. I’m a nobody in the small village which is named Ketari,
as a farmer who sit around in the house, doing nothing, but worrying for how to
carry on my poor life. Well, who cares? I have my brother, Zaidi to back me up
with my life.

Talking about Zaidi, he’s my brother who’s obviously
rich and has particular interest in the rubber tree. Well, maybe he thinks that
the ghost in the banana tree had moved from the banana tree to the rubber tree.
Well, my guess is proven correct as he finally gave up rubber trees and started
with rambutan plantation after he heard the ghost is moving into rambutan

And oh yeah, I have a daughter who’s name is Rahimah and
likes sneak around the Tuk Penghulu’s house. Some sources tell me that she has
some affair with some primate being. After some while, I discovered that the
primate being is a monkey named Nazri, who likes to climb trees, obviously. I
wonder if my son, karim will cry over Nazri-the-monkey if IT one day fell from
the tree, which he had purposely “performed” infront of my daughter. Hmm….. I
really hope he made some mistakes the next time he perform “falling from tree”
and somehow be not okay. This will help me in discovering whether my son will
cry over it.

Yes, yes, my son is a hyper emo guy who likes to cry
over things like a dead monkey. All he knows is act emo from time to time. Well,
after he moved to Janda Baik, he seemed to fell in love with the paddy plant
there. Well, he’s always seen in the paddy field. Who knows if he had married
one of the paddy plant out there in the paddy field. He knows how to talk to his
parang which he made, turns out there’s a spirit possessing in the parang and
he’s some agent from the sky called “shinigami”

Tutung and Tapa……..
they were the cousin of mine whose name starts with the same letter. In wonder
why my name and Zaidi’s name is not started with the same letter too. Maybe our
mom don’t want us to become some idiots like those in the TV show “Banana in the
pyjamas”, who’s happy-go-lucky, and tinkle everytime as if they shared the same
piece of mind. By the look of them, who do things together, I think Tutung and
Tapa are really BANANAS IN THE PYJAMA who escaped from the show after no one
wants to watch their show. If then, who am I ?? some relative of the banana

Well, setting aside this topic, let’s talk about the
pendekar in the village. He’s Pendekar Atan. Well, his background is not so well
known because maybe he’s not that well known. No one knows. He’s only named
“pendekar” because he’s some fighter before he came here. One day, I actually
discovered a mask with the name “HULK HOGAN” imprinted on it, which I believe to
be the mask he’s wearing when he work as fighter in the past. Well, HULK
Hogan??? Why is he brown in colour instead of green?

No one
actually cares as long as he doesn’t come and do some muscle-showing and he
should really lay low as some Chinese’s attendant.

Besides that,
the villagers here are extremely fascinated by the three and seven head dragon
tale, though they had already watched the “Dragon Ball” Series for more than 10
times now. They say, if you want to summon the three-headed dragon, you have to
gather 21 (7 times 3) dragonballs and 49 (7 times 7) dragonballs if you want to
summon the seven-headed dragon. Well, I advise everyone here not to summon the
seven head dragon cause the dragon is hyper aggressive. If it was ever summoned,
it will cause earthquake. Nevertheless, no one actually succeed, even the bunch
of Goku people can only find 7 in the TV show.

I think that’s all, remember to tick the “funny” box down there if you really think it’s funny.

p.s. I like you

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