SPM : day 7

This post is so not going to be in SPM-mood. so, skip it if you might complain that this posts is too crappish or long in some way that you can't get to continue reading. However, just bear in mind that what i said or mention in this posts might be an enlightening one. depends on each one's needs.

I found out that someone have to learn a lesson the hard way, though there're always people, or perhaps a secret guardian angel whispering by the ear, talking, speaking, refrain, and guide to prevent anything bad. but they just got ignored, as if those were just a routine of a day. Sometimes i really thinks that we should just accept views from other person. Open Up. Held Liberty. Our ears will be opened to more advices and our journey will be brighter with light.

And don't feel weird when i say i'm tired or too stressed out to commit furthermore commitment, or perhaps passion towards something or perhaps, someone. though it feels good to have someone who deserves your utmost care and attention, but circumstances always turns out otherwise. You got hurt, you worn out, you encounter stuffs that are not suppose to happen. Then, you start to give up, feel like throwing everything away, things you like, people you love, or even something you care about. And soon, depression sets in and you realized that you've lost the purpose of life, and as if things are not as THEY USED TO BE. Some of the past sweet reminiscence, now only remain as feeble shards of memories, shattering memory remnants. Things fade away, you barely believed that those great things happening to you had actually happened in the past.

You Start to doubt, were these things worth to dying for?? Should i love it as much as i could?? Questions Questions Questions.You'll start to feel crazy, things fall apart, wall of the world crumpled down.


When you gave up, perhaps you'll find a New World from a whole new perspective. of course you'll ease a little. and you'll feel better than before. but at the same time you'll be deeply regretting over the cruel decision that you've make that breaks souls, kills passions, put out love. After all, it's only a choice, all about a choice. And to be or not to be, that's the question.

Maybe you'll think that what you've now is very bad and you can't wait to let it go. just like as Someone once said "letting go....". BUT (Statements always comes with a BUT), if you after somewhile realize that what you've let go is the best, what will you do? crying over a splat of spilled milk?? regret?? What if you'll never find something, or someone as good ?? What if you're left with nothing but regret??

So, i firmly believe that who i have now is the best. And i'll never regret that i made this particular choice.





There's always this intimate bond that ties each individual to someone who are dear to them. like planets tied to the galactic system with a strand of weak orbit. There's always this distance that separates people from people. And in the end, you no longer knew the one who you knew deep into your heart. What you firmly believe in the past, is Buried in an unmarked grave, unwanted and not remembered.



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