Post Script #2

Distance. Unfamiliarity. That’s all it takes to take something very dear away from you. I guess some of you have had this experience before, good friends turn into strangers and they turned out not close as they used to be. Perhaps some simple analogy will make clear for you…

Unfamiliarity comes like your favourite cereal which is a must have every morning. Every morning you must have this cereal or else you seemed to be hardly able to start the morning. For you, the cereal is the kick-start for the morn and is your energy source, or even your core of life. As a child you can wait for all day, or even don’t go sleep just because cereal is waiting for you in the morn. Life just got pretty perfect just because of that box of cereal.

But one day mom stopped you from taking the cereal, saying that it’s not good for your health, and perhaps it’s too expensive. She asked you to stop taking it for your own good. That’s it, your world feels like tumbling down from its very seam, collapsed into catastrophic remnants. You feel like your life is going to end.

Yes, for the first few morning you might wail, you might cry, you might feel sad for the cereal that you constantly take for a long while. You might actually want to eat that cereal so bad, even have wild dreams eating it again, but it was just in your dreams. You know that that’s not going to happen anymore.

But soon, strangely though you’ll start to get use to the new condition. You’ll found out that you’re no longer dependent on that box of cereal anymore. Maybe something else takes its place, oatmeal maybe, or pastries, or just simply maggi mee. Soon, you’ll found out that the cereal is no longer your craving as you grew older, as you and the beloved cereal got separated by this unfamiliarity.

Then, many years passed and one day you passed by the “cereal” section, and you saw the box of cereal on the shelf. You smiled, took it down, and looked at it, you always remember that you used to loved that cereal so much, but no longer now.

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