21st Century

We're living in an age where everything is totally transformed by the awesome technology. We can almost get everything in a short while, if not instantly. It's a marvel to see how much the world had advanced today, considering the fact that we only have jaring net when we're just little kid, now, 4G internet. 

It's as if the technology advancement slowly evolved from crawling, to walking, then sprinting, then it soared. 


Now we have instant food.
Instant messaging.

and who knows, everything in the future will be reachable instantly just by a flick of finger. That's when scary stuffs happens.

We no longer know the food that we eat because it's processed beyond recognition by us.
We no longer have the patience to wait for things so small because everything in the world demands our instantaneous reaction, with no time to rest in our burdened life.
We no longer can nurture a relationship so beautiful it takes years to blossom.

In a world where everything happens so fast, we no longer feel secure as things that we held dear to faded even before we have the chance to grasp it.

How beautiful are the days when people waited patiently for things to happen, although they may be too  conservative to voice out what they want. But they are willing to be still and slow witness things shift and change until their dream came true.

It's just that I feel kinda sucks for living in this really confusing era. Everything happens so fast I don't even have a chance to see clearly before it is already history. Sucks to be us for not being given a choice.

How beautiful are the days when things are simpler, and the world were a beautiful place.


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