Live Life. Love Life.

It took a journey of thousand miles for us to be who we are today. We been through a lot, seen a lot, and finally, today, we are here.

Those tear-drenched paths
Those parts where everything bathe in the warmth of sunlight
Those parts where sunshine and unicorns exists
Those parts where the road is drizzled with happiness
And those part where we thought we are gone under the sheer thunderstorm.

All these, though we couldn't recall, shapes us in a way that we're now totally different from each other, and thus trigger a variable of dynamics in the social community.

I think we should just cherish each other for how different God has made us. And Live life. and Love life.


"There comes a time when a man has to ask himself whether he wants a life of happiness or a life of meaning. To be truly happy, a man must live absolutely in the present, with no thought of what's gone before, and no thought of what lies ahead. But, a life of meaning, a man is condemned to wallow in the past and obsess about the future" ~Linderman~

It's not a lie that I love to dwell in the past, and reminisce the past from day to day. It might be a self-torturing process, as some sad memories got caught up onto you, or rather, some sweet memories which conjure that dull ache in the hollow chest.

But I just feel comforted reading this quote, and i feel rather happy that I'm making the right choice. What's life if we totally ignore the fact that we are shaped by yesterday and are made for tomorrow??

Live Life.
Love Life.

Two words that can be so meaningful for a person who's so dead in his heart.

I'm gonna go for a holiday, knowing fully the fact that the dynamic within the little community can change fast. Hopefully I'll get to know more about myself, some friends, and life before I come back with everything have their arms wide open to take me back. 

Fingers crossed.

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