29/12/2008 Goodbye 2008…..

Look at the date. It’s 29th. So guess all normal form 3s will know what’s up with tomorrow, the thirtieth of December, the last day of year 2008. feel like waving goodbye with it now, for I’m in form 4 next year (how exciting!). (many people tell me that I’ll regret it when I’m being promoted to study in science stream the next year.)

“Next time when you found me, you sure will say: “teacher, form 3 is nothing, now we cannot cope with works in form 4……….” ~Cikgu Wui Mui Ngo

So, I had done some counter-measures, in case I can’t catch up with the study. (F.Y.I : Johnson and Jackson are attending +math tuition in the holiday). That includes some private research, game playing to train reflexes, crapping to train talking potential, blogging to train my language, and singing to train my attractivity. (muahahahaha…… those abilities are trained for my survivor in form 4 years, so beware…..)

Yes, New year is approaching, no matter Chinese one or Ang-moh ones (honestly, is Ang-moh as “Ang” as Ang-Pao ?). guess everyone is busy keeping their house clean, shine as new, glimmer like first-hand-bought. Well done everyone. Me? Me just paint some walls, jet-spray some stains and keep on blogging, DOTA-ing, Friendster-ing and etc etc……. backache! Shoulderache!!!!!!

And F.Y.I to all form 3 students, tomorrow is PMR’s result’s unleash. So, brace yourself and prepare for a shock! (I hope the shock is a good one… XD).

Merry super belated Christmas to all of my readers, I’m busy with my Christmas activities that I got no time to blog…..

p.s. the photo quite sux cause I don’t have photoshop, edited it using “paint”, my current half-lagging internet speed can only upload these kind of lousy photo.

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