Countdown : 2 DAys

I usually go around and spread the fact that i'm extremely bad at arts and I failed from form 1 till now.

Actually it's very very true.

So, here's some of the prove, just in case you don't believe my honest confession :

Disclaimer : This is strictly not for the Faint-Hearted

Pretty Bad isn't it??
Look, ART don't know me
And i certainly don't know it.


So back here to me who's currently in the leaving mood. These days the sorority upon leaving is starting to sink in, as well as the anticipation to start a whole new life.

Well, Farewell by farewell.... Only helps in building up my emo-ism.


Thanks for a fun, crappish night i have in Spring.
Sorry, the sugarbun girl isn't so pro at photo taking after all, I'm sorry Lawrence...

My beloved youth,
For all the prayer, tears, and blessings.

And my fellow Disciple classmates, Thank you for spending money on sending me away..
And all those prayers, luck-wishing.
Thought you guys are "slightly" older than me, I value you all like my brother and sisters.
Thank you all.


Please put the blame on me if you think that I'm reasoning too much.
I'm sorry because i'm very sensible at heart, I love to guess, to analyse why people thinks and why are they doing something, and using my intuition to judge people's reaction on a particular matter.

So, i'm freaked out. I'm freaked out at myself.
It's because i seemed to have figured out about homo sapien too much.
The physical and emotional pattern of the humans, i'm sorry i'm pretty familiar with all of that, not to say that i've completely grasp the knowledge.

So that's why they say "如果你真正了解人类, 那将是一个非常可怕的事情"??
Maybe I should take psychology instead.

I Don't know you,
And certainly regret that i didn't spend much time to understand
Your predicament,
Your Problems,
Your thoughts,
Your Attitude.


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