Take a Look. Owh Wait.. I am still in a blur. =/

I think I have come to a point of my life where I am faced with so much choices to be made. Being happy, for one is a choice made as an outcome of all tears shed and all dreams broken in the silence of the night. Somehow I think that this decision is so important for me that I would not want to be that crestfallen anymore, at least for the time being, for the cost for this happiness is just too great.

And also not forget to mention, there's a lot a lot of other choices need to made.

I have doubts, when I have to choose from two different choice, one that makes me happy; while another makes everything okay. I am puzzled and confused, which is the right choice?? And under the mysterious cover of both choices, which one lies the key to a perfect scenario?

I try to take a good look at the problem and perhaps I can suggest a hypothesis to the solution.
But owh wait...
I am still in a blur too.

Alright you got me. Good One.


Two different forces existed and often clashes in this world.
Light and Dark.
Good and Evil.
Depression and Happiness.
The Logical and The Temperamental.
The Mind and The Heart.

Should we succumb to the heart, or the mind??

I do believe though, that both path will be equally winding, leading to a different Next Chapter, and the road not taken, will be left and forgotten, it's content and wonder will not be discovered. Quite a shame actually, that we couldn't rewind time to go back to the fork road that we used to spend so much time pondering on, and regret on our choices. The reality of the world is what that sucks.

Haven't been so stressed for a very long long long time already... I think I am a special creature which deviates from normal human nature, only stressing for things normal people treated lightly on.


They say that concept of time is merely a creation of God. 
And we're living in this continuum, and bounded by it.
But God is omnipresent and omnipotent.
He is not bounded by time.

How cool it would be if we could get out of this continuum??
But if one day if human achieved breakfree from time-space continuum.
I don't think we'll be more happy than now.



Everyone is struggling
And holding to that last straw that is bound to break

Cause even if you choose to be happy
That doesn't mean the problem will be gone
Sadness lingers and you seem to have lost the right to cry.

Isn't it unfair, a bit?

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